II John 1:1-6
The elder to the elect lady and her children… (v. 1a) Bible scholars ask whether John was writing this letter to a particular woman or whether the “elect lady” reference was meant to be a greeting to an entire church body. I would argue that John is writing to a particular person. In verse 4 he writes “I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth…”. This phrasing seems strange for someone writing to an entire church body – with the writer commenting that only “some” of the members were “walking in the truth”? Wouldn’t we expect all members of a church body to be …walking in the truth? But I find it perfectly appropriate for someone to direct that comment to a personal friend. We commonly ask one another, “How are your children?” And we especially like to hear reports of our friends’ children who have moved away. Our Christmas letters are full of references to our children and grandchildren. John also in the very next verse refers to “dear lady”. So I think the reference is more personal than public.
In this second letter, the apostle John maintains the same two basic commands that he wrote in his first letter – …love one another …<and>… walk according to His commandments (vv. 5b-6a). Simple enough, right…??!!
Slava Bohu!