Matthew 25:14-30
Let’s continue to pray for Jim and Marty.
“Notice what you notice.” The talents… To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. (v. 15) Maybe I’ve noticed it before, maybe I haven’t – that he gave to his servants each according to his ability. That’s an important caveat to this parable that we need to remember. We each have gifts and they vary in type, quality, and abundance. I’ve long believed that the Lord gifted me in math and public speaking, a perfect complementary pair for my lifetime spent teaching economics. Surprisingly to me, these two gifts are often listed as two of the greatest fears that people have. So the Lord who gifted me with those two gifts expected me to use them accordingly, but He does not expect nearly as much from others in using these two gifts. By contrast, I am not gifted in art or music. So you don’t see me singing in the choir or leading an elective at Creative Arts Camp. However, you will hear me singing from the pews, and you’ll find me actively participating in Creative Arts Camp. And if you don’t think you are particularly gifted, you need to do some serious soul-searching or find a “gifts inventory package” that can help you to see where God has gifted you. We are all gifted, in thousands of ways!!
Slava Bohu!