August 8 / I Thessalonians 3:1-13

I Thessalonians 3:1-13

Therefore when we could bear it no longer, we were willing to be left behind at Athens alone… (v. 1). “left behind” and “alone”… In our Men’s Group discussion this past Tuesday someone said that the Christian life is meant to be lived in community, not alone. And there’s great truth in that, as Paul affirms in today’s reading. For him it was one thing to be “left behind”, but it was quite another to be left “alone”. Paul’s aloneness was in Athens. The Lord had blessed him with a few converts there, but I imagine that Paul was not particularly comfortable in this city of philosophers – I can see them wanting to argue and discuss gospel fine points and details rather than simply accepting with faith and believing on the truth of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Paul had better things to do! So in his aloneness he moved on to Corinth where he met a fellow tentmaker and was possibly somewhat more comforted.

I spoke with someone yesterday who was feeling lonely. He is a single man, 70’ish, never married, living 300+ miles from us, and now is looking at his life from here on. He is not in good health and may end up in a nursing home, again with only his siblings and a few friends who would drop by for occasional visits. But the saddest part of all is that this man is not a Christian and has rejected our encouragement, our witnessing to move him to Jesus. What to do…? Carol and I know another man age 55 or so whose wife wants out of their 15-year marriage. He, too is feeling quite alone. And I’m sure there are dozens of other people I/we know who are also feeling lonely.

But then I also think of widows and widowers and never-marrieds in our church who surely feel that same aloneness, but you certainly can’t see that on Sunday morning. They have something more in their lives – Jesus and the rest of us! Just as Paul needed to be reassured that the Thessalonians were thinking of him, all these “alone” people need to know that we are thinking and praying for them. Add some lonely people to your prayer list…!

See also: April 6 / I Thess. 3:1-13

August 7 / I Thessalonians 2:1-20

I Thessalonians 2:1-20

A correction… In the second paragraph from my second set of comments in the links below I wrote that “Jews from Philippi had come to Thessalonica to create havoc for Paul, driving him out of town…”. I don’t know where I got that information; I looked back and forth in Scripture and could not find support for that statement. It was true that in Galatia Jews from one town (Antioch) had followed Paul to other towns (Lystra, Derbe) and created havoc, but I don’t see that in Thessalonica. Acts 17:5 says that “…the Jews were jealous, and taking some wicked men of the rabble, they formed a mob…”. Nothing about Jews from Philippi. Sorry to have misinformed you!

But since we were torn away from you, brothers … we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face, because we wanted to come to you … again and again—but Satan hindered us. (vv. 17-18) Many Bible scholars agree that Paul wrote this letter from Corinth where he lived for 18 months. Since they agree that he also wrote II Thessalonians from Corinth it must have been sometime in that first half of his stay that he wrote this first letter. That is, his time in Thessalonica was fresh in his mind – his three Sabbaths of preaching, then being run out of town. He left there with unfinished work and wanted to complete that work, but Satan hindered us. It sounds to me like Paul was making plans to return, but something came up one time, something else a second time, something else a third time… In the end he ascribed these failed trip plans to Satan – and that very possibly could have been the case. Why did God not defeat Satan’s interventions? We don’t know. What we do know is that Paul left Corinth with Priscilla and Aquila and sailed to Ephesus, leaving them behind, where they were much needed as we saw at the end of Acts 18.

There have been times when I have made plans in my life – specifically academic appointments at the University of Tennessee and the University of Delaware where I went in as the favored candidate and did not get the job. But with it all we end up in Richmond/Versailles. How does the saying go – “Man proposes, but God disposes.” Still we use our “wisdom” to make plans, but we also seek the Lord and His wisdom – “…not my will, but your will be done…”.

See also: April 4 / I Thess. 2:1-12; April 5 / I Thess. 2:13-20

August 6 / I Thess.1:1-10

I Thessalonians 1:1-10

Our second of Paul’s epistles, this one to his converts from Thessalonica. Presumably Paul wrote this letter and a second (II Thessalonians) while he was in Corinth. Just yesterday we were reading in Acts 18 about Paul’s 18-month stay in Corinth. Very likely, through Silas and Timothy Paul stayed in communication with this new church. One item about this letter – you may recall that Paul was “run out of town” by the Jews and Gentiles so that he could escape a possible charge of treason against the Roman Empire. So while Paul is writing these letters he is also likely remembering his abrupt departure and thanking God for his safety.

One issue that we will see in both Thessalonian letters is Jesus’ second coming. My Study Bible pointed out that every chapter in this epistle ends with a reference to Jesus’ second coming. We see that today in verse 10: …and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.

See also: April 3 / I Thess.1:1-10

August 5 / Acts 18:1-28

Acts 18:1-18

And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla… (v. 2) Aquila was a traveler!! Pontus was a region along the north/northeast coast of modern-day Turkey, bordering the Black Sea to the north. To get to Italy Aquila had to travel west through all of modern-day Turkey, then beyond Greece and across the Adriatic to Italy. We don’t know at what age he did his traveling or where he met Priscilla, but while in Italy he was “run out of town” by the emperor Claudius and he arrived in Corinth. Now think back to Paul’s travels and how Jewish persecution drove him out of Macedonia (Thessalonica) down to Achaia (Athens and Corinth). How circumstantial is it that Paul and Aquila, both tentmakers, met up in Corinth. Look at all that had to happen to bring this about! What a bond they must have formed! I daresay the Lord knew all this, that He was directing from above. And this Paul-Aquila-Priscilla relationship continued to bear fruit for many years to come!

After this, Paul … set sail for Syria, and with him Priscilla and Aquila. … And they came to Ephesus, and he left them there… (vv. 18-19a) So Paul spent a year and a half in Corinth with Aquila and Priscilla, Titius Justus, Crispus, and other followers, after which Paul sets sail for Syria (the location of Syrian Antioch), taking along Priscilla and Aquila. Travel being what it was back then his ship first crossed the Aegean Sea and docked at Ephesus. There Paul gets off the ship with his fellow travelers and goes into the synagogue to preach. He leaves Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus and goes by ship to Caesarea, then on foot to Jerusalem, eventually back to his home base at Syrian Antioch. I’m mostly intrigued by his taking Priscilla and Aquila out of Corinth along with him, then leaving them at Ephesus as he moved on. But the last few verses in today’s reading (Acts 18:24-28) show us that God had serious use for Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus. All in all, the “circumstances” in today’s reading are fascinating. Let God lead and He will take care of the details!!

See also: April 1 / Acts 18:1-11; April 2 / Acts 18:12-28

August 4 / Acts 17:16-34

Acts 17:16-34

Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there would spend their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new. (v. 21) This sentence seems to me very unlike the rest of Luke’s writing. Most often he is direct, specific, exact. Here he is speaking very generally – …all the Athenians… and …would spend their time in nothing except…. Clearly it was not “all” the Athenians. There were artisans and merchants and governing officials, so his blanket statement is over-stated. Likewise, “…nothing except…” leaves out a lot of the rest of life! Again, over-stated. However, by exaggerating Luke makes his point stronger, that Paul was speaking to an audience of philosophers, themselves the “babblers” doing the babbling that they had ascribed to Paul (Acts 17:18).

Now when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked. But others said, “We will hear you again about this.” So Paul went out from their midst. (vv. 32-33) It’s a good lesson from Paul – if we are sharing our faith and the conversation “goes south”, better to just walk away or change the topic than to continue with someone who just wants to mock you or challenge you. It might not be the right day and you might not be the right person!

See also: March 30 / Acts 17:10-21; March 31 / Acts 17:22-34

August 3 / Acts 17:1-15

Acts 17:1-15

…they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. (v. 17b) I should have pointed out yesterday that Paul and Silas did not go to the synagogue in Philippi, but went down to the river where there was a “place of prayer”. Then upon coming to Thessalonica Paul and Silas went to the synagogue, as was Paul’s established custom. From all that we need to presume that there was no synagogue in Philippi and that, very likely, there was only a small Jewish community. And with all that, again backing up a bit, it was not the jealousy of the Jewish leaders that got Paul and Silas in trouble in Philippi – it was the owners of the slave girl who feared losing their “investment”. So we see Paul and Silas in trouble in both Philippi and in Thessalonica, in the former the fear of the loss of income and in the latter the jealousy of the Jewish leaders. Finally, in Philippi they had committed no crime, simply depriving some owners of some wealth, while in Thessalonica they may have been charged with treason against Rome. Hence their “leisure” in leaving Philippi and their haste in leaving Thessalonica. Very different scenarios!

The Thessalonian city authorities speaking (shouting!): “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also…” (v. 6b) Apparently Paul and Silas had earned quite a reputation, with non-religious city authorities acknowledging that Paul and Silas had turned the world upside down. What a strong statement by the city authorities; what a powerful witness by these two men! GLORY!!

See also: March 29 / Acts 17:1-9; March 30 / Acts 17:10-21

August 2 / Acts 16:16-40

Acts 16:16-40

I commented yesterday that Luke was also preaching the gospel (Acts 16:10). Today, we see him again in Acts 16:16-17. However, it seems that Luke was not as forthright as Paul and Silas in his preaching, in that he was not seized by the owners or beaten by the magistrates: But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. (v. 19) Today is also the last of the “we” verses until we get to Acts 20:8.

Today we have a third account of a miraculous prison release. You may recall that some apostles (Acts 5:17-26) and Peter (Acts 12:6-17) were delivered by angels earlier. Today’s account is different in a number of ways. First, it was an earthquake, not an angel, that set them free. Second, we have a jailer ready to commit suicide upon seeing the prisoners free. Finally, Paul and Silas took their release as an opportunity to share the gospel with the Philippian jailer and his household. I am impressed that Paul and Silas demanded that the authorities come forward to acknowledge the wrong that they had committed in beating Roman citizens without a trial. Paul took every opportunity to evangelize and to strengthen the church.

We need to keep this Philippian account in mind down the road when we read Paul’s letter to the Philippians. It is a letter of true joy – it seems that Paul remembers the many Philippian conversions more than the beating he received!

See also: March 27 / Acts 16:16-24; March 28 / Acts 16:25-40

August 1 / Acts 15:36-16:15

Acts 15:36-16:16

And when Paul had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go on into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them. (v. 10) No doubt, upon reading this verse the words “we” and “us” immediately jumped out at you. Yes, this is the first occurrence of the “we” passages in Acts, that Luke had joined Paul on this second missionary journey. We will see quite a few more. I’ve previously mentioned that Luke is widely regarded as a great historian, both in his gospel and even more so for his narrative of Acts. He is now giving us a first-person account, which further strengthens his standing among Bible scholars and secular historians.

Another item in that verse stands out to me today – God had called us to preach the gospel to them. I never think of Luke as a preacher. Clearly Paul and Silas were preachers and teachers, but upon seeing this verse anew I can easily see Luke standing up for the gospel alongside Paul and Silas.

See also: March 25 / Acts 15:36-16:5; March 26 / Acts 16:6-15

August 2021 Readings

01-AugActs 15:36-16:1521
02-AugActs 16:16-4025
03-AugActs 17:1-1515
04-AugActs 17:16-3419
05-AugActs 18:1-2828
06-AugI Thess.1:1-1010
07-AugI Thess. 2:1-2020
08-AugI Thess. 3:1-1313
09-AugI Thess. 4:1-1818
10-AugI Thess. 5:1-2828
11-AugII Thess. 1:1-1212
12-AugII Thess. 2:1-1717
13-AugII Thess. 3:1-1818
14-AugActs 19:1-2222
15-AugI Cor. 1:1-3131
16-AugI Cor. 2:1-1616
17-AugI Cor. 3:1-2323
18-AugI Cor. 4:1-2121
19-AugI Cor. 5:1-1313
20-AugI Cor. 6:1-2020
21-AugI Cor. 7:1-1919
22-AugI Cor. 7:20-4021
23-AugI Cor. 8:1-1313
24-AugI Cor. 9:1-2727
25-AugI Cor. 10:1-3333
26-AugI Cor. 11:1-2222
27-AugI Cor. 11:23-3412
28-AugI Cor. 12:1-3131
29-AugI Cor. 13:1-1313
30-AugI Cor. 14:1-1919
31-AugI Cor. 14:20-4021

July 31 / James 5:1-20

James 5:1-20

Come now, you rich, weep and howl… (v. 1a) You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. (v. 5a) Often when I read a New Testament item about the rich I pause and consider the full context, because compared to the rest of the world we in the USA are rich indeed! So what does James say about the rich here? Clearly the rich in this passage are people who are exploiting other people – keeping back wages, condemning and murdering a righteous person. I’m not sure we are guilty here, except that we do have a responsibility toward those in need, both here and abroad. For each of us it’s a personal matter, but I also fear for our nation as a whole…

My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. (vv. 19-20) I don’t know of any other New Testament encouragement for evangelism (other than Jesus’ own words in Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8) that is stronger that what James writes here. A good quote to end James…!!

See also: March 23 / James 5:1-11; March 24 / James 5:12-20