April 30 / Luke 8:49-56

Luke 8:49-56

“Notice what you notice.” Today is the second half of Luke’s account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter. And her spirit returned and she got up at once. (v. 55) I have often heard the phrase “body, soul, spirit” applied to humans as a person’s physical body, personality, and life, respectively. These words from Luke confirm that ordering. Jairus’ daughter was not breathing and had no heartbeat, so the friends and relatives naturally would presume that she was dead. In fact, she WAS dead, except that Jesus understood our human ordering far beyond his peers. Her spirit WAS gone – otherwise it could not have “returned”. But Jesus’ taking her by the hand and speaking to her brought her spirit back and she got up. By bringing back her spirit Jesus brought her back to life.

So, every living human being on earth is also composed of body, soul, and spirit. I think of that iconic “holy grandmother” whose last words fully reflect her personality before she dies – before her spirit passes on. We are all spirit beings – until we die. But are we “Holy Spirit beings”? Are our lives transformed by the Holy Spirit working within us? If you were not in church this past Sunday, go online and listen to Tim Tennent’s sermon. It’s all about the Holy Spirit, effectively about how little “press” the Holy Spirit gets, but how powerful He is. Dr. Tennent opens up the Holy Spirit for us, in the Old Testament and the New. It’s a powerful message! Or come to this Friday’s “First Friday Prayer and Praise” service (6:30 pm), where we will be “Experiencing and Sharing the Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit”. God has us on earth with a job to do. We need to be “Holy Spirit filled” Christians to get that job done!

Slava Bohu!

April 29 / Luke 8:40-48

Luke 8:40-48

“Notice what you notice.” Today is the first half of Luke’s account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the woman with a discharge. Today’s first verse reads, Now when Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed Him, for they were all waiting for Him. I’ve been assuming all along that Jesus and His friends have been staying in and around Capernaum. And in the events leading up to this Jairus’ encounter, Jesus and His friends had taken off in the evening to sail across the Sea of Galilee. On the way He calmed a storm on the lake, then healed the demoniac when He arrived. After He cast out the demons into the pigs, the crowds asked Him to leave and He got back into the boat. So, He took off in the evening one day, arrived at the land of the Garasenes that evening or the next morning, then sailed back to Capernaum, presumably the next day.

The intriguing thing about all this is that the crowds that were with Him on the shore as He left one evening are still waiting for Him when He returned sometime the next day. Could they have had any expectation that He would return so quickly? What if He had been gone two or three days? How long would the crowd have waited for Jesus to return? Clearly Jesus had created quite a stir in and around Capernaum and the rest of Galilee.

Slava Bohu!

April 28 / Mark 5:35-43

Mark 5:35-43

“Notice what you notice.” Today is the second half of Mark’s account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter. I see Jesus today as a “take charge” guy: But He put them all outside and took the child’s father and mother and those who were with Him and went in where the child was. (v. 40) One of my Study Bible notes said that professional mourners were often called in to weep and wail over someone’s death, but that the time would have been too short in this case to bring in professionals. So the people who were creating the commotion must have been family and close friends. Because of their relationship to Jairus and his family, they knew they had the right – even the responsibility – to be there, but Jesus “put them all outside”.

Picture this, folks. You’re at the hospital. A dear friend or relative has Stage IV brain cancer and the doctors have just announced that the patient is dead. You’re in the room with the patient or in the hallway outside with maybe a dozen other relatives and close friends. Then in comes the hospital chaplain or a Pentecostal minister who says, “Clear the room. The patient is not dead, only sleeping. Move on outside.” My reaction: “Who do you think you are!!” But the chaplain/minister is forceful and a few minutes later our friend is walking out of the room to join us.

Jesus was indeed a powerful presence. The beginning of this narrative had Jesus getting out of the boat and a great crowd gathering around Him. And {that} great crowd followed Him and thronged about Him (v. 24), so much so that the woman with the discharge was able to sneak up through the crowd to touch His garment, hoping she would not be noticed. So after her healing, here’s Jairus, anxiously waiting for Jesus to finish with the woman so He can get on to the little girl. And Jesus dismisses the crowd, taking with Him only Peter, James and John. Then He gets to the house and dismisses that crowd.

I’m trying to picture Jesus in this setting – stern, forceful, tough – but One Who is to be obeyed. I don’t think I have a stern, forceful, tough Jesus in my life. Maybe I need Him in that demeanor…??

Slava Bohu!

April 27 / Mark 5:21-34

Mark 5:21-34

“Notice what you notice.” It’s only the first half of Mark’s account of the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the healing of the woman with a discharge of blood, but there’s a ton of stuff that could be said. We covered this in our Men’s Group a year or two ago, so I won’t repeat those comments. It was about a 3-week discussion!

Verse 33 is intriguing to me: But the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came in fear and trembling and fell down before him… Yes, the synagogue official had also fallen at Jesus’ feet. But I sense something different in the woman. For the synagogue official, I can see respectful pleading that brings him to his knees before Jesus. But the woman came in “fear and trembling”. She was “unclean” and she knew it and anyone close to her also knew it. And anyone who touched her had to purify themselves according to the Law and remain unclean until evening. And presumably this happened relatively early in the day, shortly after Jesus had crossed the Sea of Galilee and come to Capernaum. So this woman knew that she might be facing Jesus’ wrath for her having touched Him. But instead He was gracious, forgiving, loving.

I expect that this is how Jesus is when we come to him with our 12+ years of baggage. Yet we also find ourselves in “fear and trembling” before Him, afraid and unwilling to admit to those deep, vile issues – of which He is already aware. It just doesn’t make sense that we keep secrets from Him. But we do. Dumb!


April 26 / Matt. 9:18-34

Matthew 9:18-34

“Notice what you notice.” Matthew: Healing miracles… Our reading today omits a simple item from earlier in the chapter, that Jesus had returned to Capernaum from across the Sea of Galilee in the land of the Gerasenes. We see this in verse 1 of chapter 9: And getting into a boat he crossed over and came to his own city. Just offering that geographic clarification…

Today’s Matthew reading has four healing miracles, including the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the healing of the woman with a flow of blood. These two miracles will be covered in the next four days in Mark and Luke. So today, the other two miracles – healing two blind men and a demon-possessed mute man…

In Matthew these other two miracles immediately follow the healing of Jairus’ daughter. Matthew has Him (presumably) leaving Jairus’ house and entering “the house” (v. 28), whereupon two blind men enter also and engage Him. Jesus doesn’t get much rest – crowds follow Him when He goes out in public and they even come into “the house”.

The healing of the two blind men is unique in Jesus’ ministry. As far as I can find out, this is the only place where He asked the men directly if they believe that He can heal them: …Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” (v. 28) There are other occasions where Jesus asks whether people believe in Him (see John 11:26; 16:31), but not before a healing. And He rewards their belief, …“According to your faith be it done to you.” (v. 29)

I clearly lack healing faith. I do not discount healing miracles that others report (although some do seem suspect), but I have not seen those miracles myself (beyond “normal” medical intervention), nor have my intercessory prayers for healing in others’ lives been answered (again, beyond “normal” medical intervention). Just in the last month my siblings and I have been praying extensively for healing for my younger brother, Richard – that his prostate cancer would be removed before his operation (yesterday). Didn’t happen (although the doctors did report a successful surgery). That doesn’t shake any of my fundamental beliefs in our Almighty God, but I do wonder…


April 25 / Luke 8:26-39

Luke 8:26-39

“Notice what you notice.” Luke’s account of the Gerasene demoniac… Here are Luke’s verses 28 and 29: When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him and said with a loud voice, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me.” For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. So the demons are asking not to be tormented. Presumably the “torment” was Jesus simply commanding them to come out of the man. Then the demons requested that they be cast into the pigs. Put all that together – the demons “requested” a body to inhabit and did not want to be cast into the abyss, also translated as the “bottomless pit”.

An online source helps me to understand all that. “The Abyss is a place for evil spirits and a place of eternal judgment. James 2:19 declares that even the demons believe that there is only ‘one God,’ however the demons ‘shudder’ because they are aware of the judgment of God that they (demons) will suffer eternal punishment. Matthew 25:41 describes eternal punishment (the Abyss) as an ‘eternal fire.’ That would be a place of great torment that caused a person, angel, or demon to ‘shudder’. (https://www.allaboutjesuschrist.org/jesus-casts-out-demons-and-turns-them-to-pigs-faq.htm) So presumably if the demons did not have somewhere else to go, they would be condemned for all eternity. All that makes more sense now!


April 24 / Mark 5:11-20

Mark 5:11-20

“Notice what you notice.” Mark’s account of the Gerasene demoniac, the second half… Today was a travel day for us, to Pittsburgh for our daughter’s Ph.D. graduation ceremony tomorrow. Glory!

So a very short post…, but I think – not insignificant. Again, as has happened so much with Mark, the details…!! Matthew and Luke report a “herd of many pigs” and “a large herd of pigs”, while Mark says Now a great herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside… and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea (Mark 5:11,13). I can imagine a large herd of pigs – 50 to 100 would be a large herd. Multiply that by 20-40!! Two thousand!! That’s BIG! Just standing alone, they would need 16,000 to 20,000 square feet of room (assuming 2 feet wide, 4-5 feet long). They would cover one-third to one-half of a football field. That’s BIG! And the LEGION of demons rushed into EVERY ONE of them and drowned them! I’m amazed. I had never imagined the extent of that man’s demon possession!


April 23 / Mark 5:1-10

Mark 5:1-10

“Notice what you notice.” Mark’s account of the Gerasene demoniac, the first half… Two items struck me. First, when the demon first approached Jesus, the demon-possessed man …ran and fell down before Him (v. 6, ESV). The NASB has “bowed before Him”. Either way, the demon bowing down before Jesus clearly showed that the demon immediately recognized that Jesus was the higher power. The demon was defeated before he even met Jesus – and he knew it.

A second thing that I noticed was a difference in translations in verse 8. The ESV has For He was saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”, while the NASB says For He had been saying to him…The past perfect tense in the NASB implies that the demon had not obeyed Jesus’ earlier command, at which point Jesus engaged him in further conversation. The contrast is with Mark’s most recent verses at the end of chapter 4, where Jesus calmed the storm on His way to the land of the Garasenes and the disciples had noted that even the wind and the sea obey Him (Mark 4:41). Jesus had immediate power over the natural forces and even though He clearly was more powerful than the demoniac forces, it seems that He allowed even them a bit of free will.

Unfortunately, that contrast is also with us – how often do we disobey Jesus’ commands? Possibly the present perfect tense is even more appropriate, For He has been saying…{to us…}. Ouch.


April 22 / Matt. 8:28-34

Matthew 8:28-34

“Notice what you notice.” For the next few days we will be across the Sea of Galilee in the country of the Garasenes, where Jesus meets one or two demon-possessed individuals (Matthew has two; Mark and Luke have one). Matthew’s account is quite short compared to the other two. Mark’s account is the longest and the most detailed – we’ll spend two days with him. All three accounts are in large agreement, except for Jesus’ words and the one-or-two demon-possessed man/men issue.

Possibly because Matthew’s is the shortest of all three accounts, it is interesting that there is no conversation between Jesus and the demon(s). They recognize Him right away, speak their few words to Him, and ask to be sent into the pigs. Jesus speaks only one word: “Go.” Intriguing!! If Jesus spoke only one word to us, what might that one word be?

One other item of interest – an item that is in Matthew and not in the other two… In verse 29(b) the demons say, “Have you come here to torment us before the time?” I wonder what they mean by “before the time”? Were they at Cana when Jesus told His mother, “My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4) I wonder what Satan and his demons knew about Jesus’ time frame?

Blessings on this Easter Monday!

April 21 / Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25

Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25

“Notice what you notice.” HAPPY EASTER!!

So today we leave Galilee for the first time in months, ever since Jesus came to Nazareth and Cana after leaving Jerusalem. While Matthew and Luke have Jesus getting into a boat on just “any day”, Mark has Jesus leaving in the evening after a full day of parables and other ministry – the material we just read the past few days. No wonder Jesus was asleep in the stern; He was tired! Mark even has Jesus’ resting His head on a pillow. Mark also has other boats alongside, the other writers do not mention them.

In our Avanza time with the Hispanic kids we read Bible stories from the Jesus Storybook Bible. One of our stories is this calming of the storm. But the writer of this story has a different take on it that I had never heard or considered before. As Jesus is calming the storm, the author notes that the God Who spoke all things into being simply said to the wind and the waves, “Be still.” That is, Jesus was the Master of the wind and the waves and all created things, and they knew Him and His voice, and they listened to Him and obeyed. Fascinating!! We’ve seen Jesus with power over the supernatural – casting out demons with just a word. Now we see Him with power over all created things! Fascinating!! Just let that sink in! What a Glorious God we serve!

Slava Bohu!